This is the EXPRESSIONS website. It is a free expressions website which contains personal expressions, faith expressions, blog expressions and other forms of expressions. And it is a faith and hobby website.

Top Homepage Image of Expressions Website at https://alexmoi04.jimdofree.com; Homepage Image – A Faith Expression Artwork about the Cross of Christ and the Crucified Christ
You are at https://alexmoi04.jimdofree.com - the EXPRESSIONS website.


About Us Expression - This section of the website gives information about Alex Moises and Little Angel Gabby from the Philippines. It contains some of our artworks and photos on Expressions website and then some.
About Us Expression

About Us Expression - This section of the website gives information about Alex Moises and Little Angel Gabby from the Philippines. It contains some of our artworks and photos on Expressions website and then some. Its main contents: Main Page and Expressions InfoArtwork Collections: Cross of Christ and the Crucified Christ, Photos by Uncle Alex and Little Angel and Our Expressions 5 ++.

Our Expressions 5++ provides images and links to our websites and our works. It is about our interests, our ideas, our expressions and our passion on Expressions website and the Internet. To see our websites, go to this page. For updates and revisions and news about a new website, check this page once in a while.

Faith Expressions - This is “Words for your Psyche,” a faith expression of Bible verses on EXPRESSIONS website at https://alexmoi04.jimdofree.com/faith-expressions; it contains a substantial number of faith expression articles and artworks.
Faith Expressions - Words for your Psyche

Faith Expressions of Bible Verses: Words for your Psyche - This section of the website contains articles and faith expression artworks about the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It deals with the Word of God and Jesus. It is about God our salvation, about faith, hope and love, and about faith articles and artworks representing Bible verses. Below are its main contents.

The Bible: New Testament, The Gospels: This sub-section of the site contains articles and faith expression artworks about Bible verses taken from the New Testament.

The Bible: Old Testament: This sub-section of the site contains articles and faith expression artworks about Bible verses taken from the Old Testament.

The Bible: Most Holy Trinity: This sub-section of the site contains articles about the Holy Trinity and faith expression artworks based on Bible verses.

The Bible: Scripture Verses on Love: This sub-section of the site contains articles and galleries of faith expression artworks about love based on Bible verses.

Phrases and Gospel Verses: This sub-section contains phrases and faith expression artwork based on gospel verses.

Bible Verse Year Calendar: This sub-section contains Bible verses for each month of the Bible calendar period. The Bible verse year calendars are: March 2019 - February 2020, March 2020 - February 2021March 2021 - February 2022, and March 2022 - February 2023, and March 2023 - February 2024. Latest

Cross of Christ and Crucified Christ: This sub-section showcases faith expression artworks about the cross of Christ and the crucified Christ based on Bible verses.


Expressions Plus - This section deals with the Philippines, philately, and topical and thematic stamp collecting; it also contains You Tube videos about the Philippines.
Expressions Plus

Expressions Plus - This section provides articles and images about the Philippines, philately – particularly, topical and thematic stamp collecting – and quotes. It contains stamp collections, photographic displays and short, silent videos of places in the Philippines. It is about more free expressions. Immediately below are its main parts.

Expressions Philippines: This sub-section contains articles and photos and photographic displays about the Philippines. It has a lot of galleries about the Philippines.
Expressions Philippines

Expressions Philippines: This sub-section contains articles and photos and photographic displays about the Philippines. It has a lot of galleries about the Philippines.

Expressions Quotes
Expressions Quotes

Expressions Quotes: As the title clearly suggests, this sub-section deals with inspirational, motivational, quotable and food for thought quotes. These wise sayings come from many, different individuals. And there are a substantial number of images about these inspirational quotes as well as links to articles about quotes.

Expressions Segundo Video Pilipinas: This sub-section contains short, silent videos on the Philippines which have a duration of 30 seconds or more but not more than 1 minute.
Expressions Segundo Video Pilipinas

Expressions Segundo Video Pilipinas: This sub-section contains short, silent videos about the Philippines which have a duration of 30 seconds or more but not more than 1 minute.

Expressions Philately Stamps: This sub-section contains articles about topical and thematic stamp collection, and images of philatelic items such as stamps, souvenir sheets, first day covers (fdc), used covers, maximum cards, etc.
Expressions Philately Stamps

Expressions Philately Stamps: This sub-section contains articles about topical and thematic stamp collection, and images of philatelic items such as stamps, souvenir sheets, first day covers (fdc), used covers, maximum cards, special and slogan cancellations, etc.

Blog Expressions - The blog section on Expressions website, it contains the works of the author and owner of the site, Alex Moises.
Blog Expressions

Blog Expressions - As the name clearly suggests, this is the blog section on Expressions website. It contains the works of the author and owner of the site – articles, photos and artworks, newly-made websites, etc. The blog has five major categories, and all contents have tags for classification of similar topics.