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LaLota, Pompeo and Scalise Quotes

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Nick LaLota, Mike Pompeo and Steve Scalise

The article provides quotes from Nick LaLota, Mike Pompeo and Steve Scalise. Mike is the former US Secretary of State (2018-2020) and former congressman representing the 4th District of Kansas. Nick LaLota and Steve Scalise are currently (2024) serving as representatives in the US Congressional House. Nick represents the 1st Congressional District of New York while Steve represents the 1st Congressional District of Louisiana.



“From my family to yours, we wish you all a Merry Christmas!” – Nick LaLota


“Christmas has come to mean something far greater to me: It’s not just a day for family time or opening presents; it is a day to celebrate the true miracle of a child being born to humble conditions in the small village of Bethlehem, over 2,000 years ago.” – Mike Pompeo


“Let’s harness the kindness and charity of the Christmas season to become forces for good throughout the new year.” – Steve Scalise



“Service above self.” – Nick LaLota


“… it wasn’t so long ago that Susan and I were just like so many of you all. We were raising our son, we were trying to build up our community, we’re staying involved at our church. I was teaching Sunday school.” – Mike Pompeo


“What defines us is not the devastation, but instead the strength and resilience of our people.” – Steve Scalise on the Hurricane Katrina Event



“Expanding apprenticeships will give career-seekers more options to attain their American Dream.” – Nick LaLota


“Stony Brook’s world-class research and development projects deserve all the funding they need. The work done at Stony Brook has changed millions of lives already…. I’ll always fight to make sure… that Stony Brook has the resources they need to support critical research and scientific advancements.” – Nick LaLota


“Schools are for our kids.” – Nick LaLota


“Ensuring parents have the freedom to choose where to send their kids to school is the case all conservatives should be making.” – Mike Pompeo


“America’s educational system should reflect the principles that have made America the most exceptional nation in the world: freedom and competition.” – Mike Pompeo


“We need to stand for free speech, open inquiry, and the competition of ideas.” – Mike Pompeo


“I support #SchoolChoice because where a child happens to live should not limit his or her access to a great education.” – Steve Scalise


“Every child in America deserves an equal opportunity to get a quality education, and all parents should be able to make the best educational choices for their children. Choice in education is key.” – Steve Scalise


“Louisiana’s high-quality charter schools… are providing great educational opportunities for students and parents all across Louisiana, and this hard-earned grant will contribute to the educational successes we have achieved here at home.” – Steve Scalise



“From fishing to tourism to its role as a critical natural resource, the Long Island Sound is much more than a body of water, it is a way of life. I’m thrilled to announce that I was able to secure $40 million to preserve the Sound in this year’s government funding process.” – Nick Lalota


“The fact that Communism and other collectivist, ideologically driven economies utterly failed has unfortunately been forgotten by far too many today. The delusions inherent in woke, green energy policy demand a similar subservience of national security and economic policy to the all-encompassing demands of progressive green activists.” – Mike Pompeo


“Instead of going to other countries apologizing for America, he [Joe Biden] should recognize the fact that the United States of America was one of the very few countries that actually reduced our carbon emissions by getting out of the Paris Accord.” – Steve Scalise



“Happy Mother’s Day to all of the amazing moms on Long Island, especially my awesome mom Margaret and my incredible wife Kaylie!” – Nick LaLota


“I have a big job… as Susan’s husband and Nick’s Dad!”– Mike Pompeo


“Today I celebrate 12 wonderful years of marriage with my best friend and mother of our 2 great kids. Happy anniversary Jennifer!” – Steve Scalise



“Memorial Day… is a time to unite as a nation, to honor the brave Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice, and to express our gratitude for their service and devotion.” – Nick LaLota


“The price of our freedom has been paid for by the sacrifices of so many who came before us – brave warriors who traveled far from home to give battle to America’s enemies and ultimately protect the freedom and prosperity of their families and future generations.” – Mike Pompeo


“It was an absolute honor to spend time in Normandy on the 80th Anniversary of D-Day with so many of the remaining courageous American men who stormed the beaches to fight back hard against evil and preserve freedom in the world.” – Steve Scalise



“Good governing means protecting, not cutting, vital programs like social security and medicare.” – Nick LaLota


“Government is run best and Americans enjoy the most freedoms when there is a sufficient separation of powers and actual checks and balances.” – Nick LaLota


“Pervasive regulation, taxes, and government controls don’t just cause inflation – they erode the American commitment to the dignity of hard work, the fairness of playing by the rules, and goodness of doing what is right.” – Mike Pompeo


“A nation where crimes may be committed with impunity, simply because of the criminal’s connections to power or their claims of victimhood, is a nation far removed from the principle of equality before the law.” – Mike Pompeo


“A free and open internet has always operated best without the government being involved and we should fight to keep it that way.” – Steve Scalise


“America is committed to protecting our telecommunications networks and the data security of our nation.” – Steve Scalise



“We are a nation of immigrants; we are proud about our immigrant heritage... and we have come here legally to this nation. We are also a nation of rules and laws.” – Nick LaLota


“As a proud son of Abruzzo, I’m honored to visit my ancestors’ birthplace and to meet the wonderful people of Pacentro. More than 18 million Americans [2018-2020] share Italian roots, and they continue to contribute to the story of American greatness.” – Mike Pompeo


“We are a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws. My great-grandparents came here from Italy and I’m proud of that. We let more than a million people into this country legally every single year, the most generous country in the world.” – Steve Scalise



“Since being sworn in, I have proudly stood in steadfast support of Israel and since the October 7th terrorist attack, my conviction to support our closest ally has grown even stronger. The United States must continue to support Israel during their time of need.” – Nick LaLota


“Israel’s security is crucial for regional stability, our own national security and reflects our unwavering support for our friends.” – Nick LaLota


“There are but a few moments in history that have set the course for a relationship among nations, and I believe this is one of them. We must make a powerful and unequivocal commitment to the nation of Israel….” – Mike Pompeo


“At almost every turn, the Biden administration has pursued policies that undermine Israel, imperil its security, and empower its enemies here and abroad.” – Mike Pompeo and Elan S. Carr


“Let’s continue to support our great ally in that region at the time they need it the most. We will be there with Israel every step of the way, with all the tools they need to be successful at destroying this terrorist organization.” – Steve Scalise


“The United States will always stand with Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East. This is war, not an isolated terrorist attack. Israel must defend itself, and I will firmly back them as they take all steps necessary to eradicate these terrorists.” – Steve Scalise



“Ensuring food security is fundamental to safeguarding our national interests.” – Nick LaLota


“Our nation’ s security starts at the border…. It’s essential for protecting our communities and upholding the rule of law. We must secure our border to safeguard our nation and preserve the American way of life.” – Nick LaLota


“Israel’s security is crucial for regional stability, our own national security and reflects our unwavering support for our friends.” – Nick LaLota


“While we still have to be enormously vigilant about terror ... the Chinese Communist Party presents the central threat of our times.” – Mike Pompeo


“A foreign policy that takes seriously the issue of ensuring religious freedom elsewhere in the world is critical to serving America’s interests.” – Mike Pompeo


“Every nation has a right and a duty to secure its borders. And when democratic nations do this well, it promotes stability, reduces conflict and diminishes opportunities for adversaries to undermine free societies.” – Mike Pompeo and Rebeccah L. Heinrichs


“Instead of [President Biden] going to other countries apologizing for America, he should recognize the fact that the United States of America was one of the very few countries that actually reduced our carbon emissions by getting out of the Paris Accord.” – Steve Scalise


“And so step by step, action by action, Joe Biden’s opened the border. He refuses to negotiate with us on fixing the problem, but we’re not going to walk away from this.” – Steve Scalise


“We need to get our government back, focused on the things that matter to families in America: Having a strong national defense and having a strong, closed border. And we’re going to be focusing a lot on getting this border under control, even though President Biden doesn’t want to.” – Steve Scalise



“Infrastructure projects and improvements are vital for enhancing our communities and the well-being of Long Island families.” – Nick LaLota


“The part that brings the most joy is always when you’re back in the state talking… Those moments, whether you were talking to a group of farmers out at an facility or you’re with manufacturing folks or families or people who are really challenged and were looking for the federal government to help provide them a path forward, those were the things that I remember most about my six years as a member of Congress. Not the votes, not the time in Washington, but the time back home.” – Mike Pompeo


“Our continued success as a leading innovator in the global economy depends on a 21st century education, beginning with a strong foundation in science, engineering, technology, mathematics and the computer sciences. With these skills, we are arming future generations of American leaders with the tools they need to grow a healthy economy that will continue to set the global standard in thinking and innovation.” – Steve Scalise



“It’s abundantly clear that America’s southwest border security demands urgent attention. President Biden’s policy decisions, compounded by sanctuary city policies, have caused the crisis, resulting in devastating consequences like a surge in fentanyl-related deaths and migrant crises in various cities.” – Nick LaLota


“If President Biden were serious about border security, he would reinstate the Remain in Mexico policy. He has the authority but chooses not to act.” – Nick Lalota


“The Biden Administration’s approach is intentional.  Its continued failure to fight for religious freedom abroad is symptomatic of the progressive ideology to which it subscribes.” – Mike Pompeo


“The warm embrace of Xi Jinping on our soil [2023]… is a fitting metaphor for the Biden administration’s failure to protect the homeland. While our enemies probe and test America’s vulnerabilities, the Biden administration responds with nothing but weakness. It has prioritized comforting our enemies over taking common sense steps to keep the American people and our troops safe.” – Mike Pompeo


“Over the past three and a half years, President Biden has ceded operational control of the southern border to drug cartels and has welcomed untold millions of inadmissible aliens into our country. Because of Biden’s policies, traffickers, smugglers, persons on the terrorism watchlist, and other dangerous criminals are now crossing our border every day. Meanwhile, fentanyl poisoning has become a leading cause of death in America, and our own innocent citizens, such as Laken Riley, have been murdered by violent criminals who the Biden Administration released.” – Steve Scalise


“A man [Biden] too incapable of being held accountable for mishandling classified information is certainly unfit for the Oval Office.” – Steve Scalise, et. al.



“I am a gun owner and I have deep respect for the Constitutional right to bear arms…. I’ll do everything that I can to protect our rights to safely and responsibly protect ourselves and our families from the violent criminals who are overrunning our communities….” – Nick LaLota


“This is because the right to bear arms empowers a people and is the last safeguard of their liberties – the necessary freedom allowing for self-defense and the ultimate check on authoritarianism.” – Mike Pompeo


“The Second Amendment is not just about hunting; it’s about the ability of people to protect themselves.” – Steve Scalise