Expressions Plus

Inspirational and Spiritual Quotes from Alex Moises

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The article contains several inspirational, motivational and spiritual quotes from Alex Moises. Alex is the author of two websites at Expressions [FAB] and Hearts Philippines and Then Some. He writes articles about faith expression and makes faith expression artworks. He is a website creator, a blogger and one who fully subscribes to the idea that freedom matters.

“Read the Bible. It is a holy book of prayers. When you read the Word of God, it will be the Holy Spirit who will take your prayer to God. But ask in Jesus name.” – Alex Moises


“Christmas is about God who is love. And that is the simplest yet most profound meaning of Christmas.” – Alex Moises


“What is the Cross of Christ? What do love and compassion and salvation mean for which it stands? Maybe, it means creation itself. It is the dazzling radiance of brother sun and the soft beam of sister moon; it is the twinkling lights of the shining stars that make one wish for a bright tomorrow.” – Alex Moises on the Symbolism and Meaning of the Cross of Christ


“It is the Virgin’s womb that bore the Wonderful Child, Just Joseph who was standing by and angels singing praises to the Star of Bethlehem and the lovely Lamb of Calvary. It is a promised fulfilled and the Light shines on.” – Alex Moises on the Symbolism and Meaning of the Cross of Christ


“These are the Cross of Christ ----- each of us and all of us together with the true and triumphant God forever.” – Alex Moises on the Symbolism and Meaning of the Cross of Christ


“Faith is a journey to the kingdom of God who is love.” – Alex Moises


“Whether it is a small step or a leap forward, faith will lead you to God.” – Alex Moises


“In the journey of faith, there will be hard days and dark nights. But trust in God. Remember, during your journey, God is holding you by your hand and guiding you, and when things get so terribly tough, He will carry you. Have your faith-filled journey to God’s kingdom.” – Alex Moises


“Faith demands patience and a positive outlook in life.” – Alex Moises


“God’s name is the holiest of holy.” – Alex Moises

Bible Quote from A. Moises
Bible Quote from A. Moises
Cross of Christ Quote from A. Moises
Cross of Christ Quote from A. Moises

Faith Quote from A. Moises
Faith Quote from A. Moises

“God’s desires must be reflected here on earth. It is the way to love God: to desire what He desires.” – Alex Moises


“… the gospel of John… appears to show strongly that the writer was able to gaze intently and powerfully into the mystery of the eternal Word.” – Alex Moises


“The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Love in Jesus. He is the Spirit of Love in people who obey God’s commandments. He is the Spirit of Love in us who cries out ‘ABBA’ which means God the Father.” – Alex Moises


“The Spirit of Love is the Holy Spirit – the Love who flows to and from God the Father and God the Son who is our Lord Jesus Christ.” – Alex Moises


“Hope is strength of character in the face of evil and corruption and unwavering belief in redemption.” – Alex Moises


“Jesus is my savior, my lord, my king, my priest, my friend, my companion, my defender and my confidant.” – Alex Moises


“He is the central figure of the gospel stories. How his life began is as dramatic as to how his life ended and started again.” – Alex Moises Quote about Jesus


“Try not to forget the story of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is our story of fall and degradation re-written in a gloriously triumphant manner more than 2,000 years ago. Nothing has changed since then.” – Alex Moises


“There is an irresistible attraction, a sort of magical enchantment, when one gazes at the cross with the crucified Christ. There is artistic beauty that fills the senses with gladness: the smoothly carved cross and its brown, crisp varnish; the finely chiseled body of the crucified Christ and its shapely contours. Taken as a whole, its beauty is greater than the sum of its parts.” – Alex Moises


“And there is more that we can have from the cross of Christ. There are the eyes of God lovingly gazing back at us.” – Alex Moises

John the Evangelist Quote from A. Moises
John the Evangelist Quote from A. Moises
Holy Spirit Quote from A. Moises
Holy Spirit Quote from A. Moises

Story of Jesus Love for Humanity Quote from A. Moises
Story of Jesus Love for Humanity Quote from A. Moises

“Love is God working within us. It is God moving us to kindness and truth.” – Alex Moises


“Love is often and best expressed by commitment.” – Alex Moises


“God’s love and salvation operates on the commands to love God and neighbor, to forgive one another’s sins or shortcomings and to accept his teachings and spread it.” – Alex Moises


“Superior ability to communicate and use various languages do not amount to anything if they are not seasoned with love. Without love, these skills only make a lot of confusing noises that can build multiple towers of Babel.” – Alex Moises


“Love gives value to faith. Faith becomes a virtue when it is intended to show love for God and to manifest – in no uncertain terms – one’s concern for the well-being of another person. Faith with love builds trust, and trust connects humans to God and binds human relationships.” – Alex Moises


“These are two essential components of real love: patience and kindness. These components make it possible for a person to share real love, to forgive someone else’s shortcomings, to keep supporting someone who seems to have become a burden, to remain loyal to someone who have had a string of bad luck, to hope for a solution to a particularly difficult problem, to endure ‘dark periods’  in life, or to keep a relationship forever in spite of the difficulties inherent in the relationship.” – Alex Moises


“Violence does not stop until real love stops it.” – Alex Moises


“Real love is enduring as contrasted with what it is not. It is, essentially, eternal. It last forever. So long as there are relationships between humans and God, there is love.” – Alex Moises


“Chapter thirteen of the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians concludes with a verse which states that three things will remain: faith, hope and love. All three virtues require kindness and patience. All three virtues endure. But the greatest of the three virtues is love, for God is love. And God remains forever.” – Alex Moises


“The idea, or rather, the reality that God rejoiced when a sinner repented and returned to him was dramatically illustrated in the Parable of the Prodigal Son.” – Alex Moises

God’s Love and Salvation Quote from A. Moises
God’s Love and Salvation Quote from A. Moises
Faith, Hope, Love and God Quote from A. Moises
Faith, Hope, Love and God Quote from A. Moises

Merciful God Quote from A. Moises
Merciful God Quote from A. Moises

“Parables are a simple style of telling a story to teach a moral or spiritual lesson and/or to highlight an important Biblical truth.” – Alex Moises


“That God was always ready to love them, that his love was the source of their salvation and that Jesus was the principal agent of God’s kingdom was illustrated quite clearly in the Parable of the Good Shepherd.” – Alex Moises


“Not only did Jesus performed the miracle of multiplying the number of bread and fish so that a multitude was fed adequately, but he also effectuated the miracle of sharing among the people who were following him and hearing his teachings.” – Alex Moises


“To pray is to allow God to love us.” – Alex Moises


“Pray anytime, anywhere. It’s freedom of conscience and free expression. It’s an exercise of the free will God gave to us.” – Alex Moises


“Pray the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus gave us this prayer to let us know that there is real power in His Word.”  – Alex Moises


“Pray the word of God. Read the Bible, say the words quietly or recite them mentally. You may memorize them, you may enjoy them, you may feel them. But do not do anything about them. In Jesus name, the Holy Spirit will intercede for you.” – Alex Moises


“Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for this day for today I praise God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord, for this day for today I beg for God’s mercy and love. Thank you, Lord, for this day for today I offer my life to you. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ for today – thank you because of you.” – Alex Moises Prayer


“Don’t Swear! Keep the conversation honest!” – Alex Moises


“Don’t Swear! And NO to: lying & half-truths, gossips & rumormongers, backstabbing & egotism & betrayal!” – Alex Moises


“The verses about love which are found in the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians – 1 Corinthians 13:1 up to 1 Corinthians 14:1 – are among the well-known and most quoted passages in the Bible. The main theme of the verses is quite simple but it is also quite profound: All thoughts and actions must be based on love.” – Alex Moises


“The use of language without love is noise at best. It can result in oppression and violence.” – Alex Moises


“The use of knowledge and understanding without love is pride and egotism. The devil is full of knowledge and understanding but he is without love. He is damned, eternally.” – Alex Moises


“The use of faith without love is nothing more than magic spells or sorcery. At worst, it is satanic witchcraft.” – Alex Moises


“Love is patient and kind; it listens, and it seeks to understand and to empathize and to find solutions to the problem. It is joyful when it is triumphant and it rejoices when someone else is triumphant; it thrives on justice for all.” – Alex Moises


“Love is faithful and hopelessly hopeful; it endures. It sees every life situation as an opportunity to thrive and go on.” – Alex Moises


“This line – ‘My Lord and My God’ – was uttered by Thomas, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. Thomas did not believe that Jesus rose from the dead until he saw Jesus. It was during this encounter that he made this poignantly painful yet divinely inspired confession about Jesus: that Jesus was (and is) the perfectly exact image of the invisible of God, that he was before all things came into existence, that he had (and has) preeminence over all created things and that he was (and is) Lord to whom every knee must bend.” – Alex Moises


“Jesus spent time teaching his gospel…. He taught the people that lust was a form of adultery, anger was as bad as murder, and swearing was an evil behavior. He informed the people that fasting and praying for public approval was unacceptable to God, inordinate affection for wealth was a hindrance to one’s spiritual growth, and ‘lip-service’ worship was an act to discredit God’s teachings. He asked them to resist temptation, to avoid judging and condemning people, to remain faithful to their spouses, to love their friends as well as their enemies, and to give to others in order to receive God’s blessing in full measure.” – Alex Moises


“For the prophet Isaiah, the only solution to the problems confronting the people of God was to return to God and to trust that their God is the God who saves. It was a message of hope and redemption not only for his nation but for the entire world.” – Alex Moises


“Jesus taught the people.… that God’s mercy was dependent on God’s infinite love and operated on the command to love and forgive one another. He informed them that love was at the heart of his ministry and it was the love of God that will save humanity.” – Alex Moises

Jesus Quote from Alex Moises
Jesus Quote from Alex Moises