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Food for Thought Quotes from Mike Pompeo

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The article contains food for thought quotes from Mike Pompeo. The topics of the quotes are many and varied, and these include America, children, Christmas, communism and authoritarianism, faith, family, freedom and the central threat of our time, history, human rights, international relations, Jesus Christ, life, national security, prayer, religious liberty, Second Amendment, school choice and Zionism. There are a few more topics.

“We should pray. That’s the first of all things.” – Mike Pompeo


“No society can retain a virtuous and worthy character if its people cannot worship as they see fit.” – Mike Pompeo


“As Secretary, I fought for religious liberty as a foremost human right.” – Mike Pompeo


“Religious liberty is rightly regarded by many as our ‘first freedom,’ because it is truly the foundation upon which our country was built. In its earliest days, America was founded and populated by religious people seeking religious freedom.” – Mike Pompeo


“It was my honor to host the first-ever religious freedom ministerial at the State Department.” – Mike Pompeo


“In every interaction that you have, whether you’re at church or at a Bible study, at your work or wherever you may find yourself, exercise your right to religious freedom…. Be open. Be clear about who you are.” – Mike Pompeo


“… my belief in Jesus Christ as a Savior. I think that makes a real difference.” – Mike Pompeo


“Christmas is a reminder that over 2,000 years ago, light came into a dark world.” – Mike Pompeo


“Every single life is a gift.” – Mike Pompeo


“Ensuring parents have the freedom to choose where to send their kids to school is the case all conservatives should be making.” – Mike Pompeo

Prayer Quote from M. Pompeo
Prayer Quote from M. Pompeo
Religious Freedom Quote from M. Pompeo
Religious Freedom Quote from M. Pompeo

Jesus Christ Quote from M. Pompeo
Jesus Christ Quote from M. Pompeo

“Children are literally the lifeblood of our families, our society, and our nation.  They should be cherished, never sacrificed for the sake of convenience.” – Mike Pompeo


“We can stand up to foreign adversaries. But if we lose our kids then we lose everything.” – Mike Pompeo


“It is absolutely the case that the family is the central unit of successful civilizations.” – Mike Pompeo


“Abortion is, quite literally, antithetical to the family, for it destroys life and destroys the future of a family.” – Mike Pompeo


“The spirit of free people, not the vulgar materialism and repression of Communism, is eternal and universal.” – Mike Pompeo


“This is because the right to bear arms empowers a people and is the last safeguard of their liberties – the necessary freedom allowing for self-defense and the ultimate check on authoritarianism.” – Mike Pompeo


“Censorship, wokeness, political correctness, it all points in one direction – authoritarianism, cloaked as moral righteousness.” – Mike Pompeo


“We knew then that if West Berlin fell, freedom would die in that part of the world.” – Mike Pompeo


“I reject the notion that we’re living in the age of inevitability, that some ‘trap’ is pre-ordained, that CCP supremacy is the future. Our approach isn’t destined to fail because America isn’t in decline.” – Mike Pompeo


“While we still have to be enormously vigilant about terror... the Chinese Communist Party presents the central threat of our times.” – Mike Pompeo

Children Quote from M. Pompeo
Children Quote from M. Pompeo
Spirit of Free People Quote from M. Pompeo
Spirit of Free People Quote from M. Pompeo

West Berlin Quote from M. Pompeo
West Berlin Quote from M. Pompeo

“Every nation has a right and a duty to secure its borders. And when democratic nations do this well, it promotes stability, reduces conflict and diminishes opportunities for adversaries to undermine free societies.” – Mike Pompeo and Rebeccah L. Heinrichs


“We honor those seeking their own freedom. Because if America won’t stand for freedom, no one will.” – Mike Pompeo


“Of standing for freedom, together, wherever liberty is threatened.” – Mike Pompeo


“The human-rights cause once united people from disparate nations and cultures in the effort to secure fundamental freedoms and fight evils like Nazism, communism and apartheid. We have lost that focus today. Rights claims are often aimed more at rewarding interest groups and dividing humanity into subgroups.” – Mike Pompeo


“Weakness, indecisiveness, disengagement on the world stage, these things invite conflict. Let’s learn this lesson. Timidity is provocative. Evil emboldens tyrants….” – Mike Pompeo


“Zionism was born in the Old Testament, crystalized under Theodor Herzl in the 19th century, and was realized in May of 1948, when David Ben Gurion read aloud a declaration of independence proclaiming the establishment of the modern state of Israel.” – Mike Pompeo


“I’m tired of a badly mistaken notion that Israel is some way or another the aggressor….” – Mike Pompeo


“Every nation’s history is made one decision at a time.” – Mike Pompeo


“Virtue is the prerequisite for freedom for it provides the boundary that enables exercise, without unduly limiting or infringing upon the rights of others.” – Mike Pompeo


“Liberty is freedom. Liberty is freedom from molestation by an oppressive government or authority.” – Mike Pompeo


“Freedom is crushed if virtue is not prized.” – Mike Pompeo


“Faith in the public square is not only lawful but righteous.” – Mike Pompeo


“Keeping faith in the public square is not simply acceptable but it’s an imperative.” – Mike Pompeo


“The story of American freedom is the story of religion, and the family is the bedrock of American freedom and equality.” – Mike Pompeo


“The family is foundational to society. From our families come our communities and our congregations.” – Mike Pompeo


“Pray hard for your children, dedicate yourself to being a good example for them… Know that that little boy or that little girl is watching closely not only you but how you interact with your spouse and they are modeling the things that you do.  And bring the Lord into their life.” – Mike Pompeo  


“As a moral and good society, we must demand a culture of life that considers every individual, especially the unborn, as worthy of deep respect, for we are each made in the image of our Creator.” – Mike Pompeo


“My walk with Christ has shaped my life and given it purpose far beyond anything worldly ever could have.” – Mike Pompeo


“As a proud son of Abruzzo, I’m honored to visit my ancestors’ birthplace and to meet the wonderful people of Pacentro. More than 18 million Americans share Italian roots, and they continue to contribute to the story of American Greatness.” – Mike Pompeo


“Today marks 25 years since my mother, Dorothy, passed away. She was a fierce, Midwestern, conservative woman, who taught me the value of hard work and the importance of keeping faith at the center of my life. I love and miss you, Mom!” – Mike Pompeo

Virtue Quote from Mike Pompeo
Virtue Quote from Mike Pompeo