
Old Family Photos

The author of this site has been spending some time looking at photos he had placed in albums and on computer and decided to share some old family photos.

Mom and Dad - Leticia and Filomeno Moises
Mom and Dad - Leticia and Filomeno Moises
Alex Moises and Younger Sister and Brother
Alex Moises and Younger Sister and Brother

Mom and Her Three Children
Mom and Her Three Children
Elementary Grader Alex Moises, the 1960's
Elementary Grader Alex, the 1960's
Younger Brother and Alex
Younger Brother and Alex
Filomeno Moises
Dad and His "For the Movies" Profile

My Dear Departed Parents

Leticia and Filomeno Moises - A Lifetime of Friendship & Love

Leticia and Filomeno Moises
Leticia and Filomeno Moises